watch repair in philly

Are you looking to avoid common watch repair issues or how to fix them?

You may be a watch lover who cherishes the watch on your wrist, or you may just be a guy who uses a watch to tell the time, regardless of the narrative, reading this article can be very useful to you.

Watches, no matter how expensive or fancy can malfunction at some point during their lifetime. Some people tend to panic in such situations. A few people rush to buy a new watch to replace the last one, forgetting about the broken watch. Some damage the watch even more by trying pointless DIY tricks at home. You should try to stay calm, carefully weigh all aspects and make a wise decision depending on the type and brand of your timepiece, the problem, and the tools you have at home.

We do not recommend repairing particularly expensive watches yourself, as this will reduce the value of your watch. In other cases, however, it’s not a bad idea to roll up your sleeves, lend a hand yourself, and do some basic repairs yourself, such as changing the battery or cleaning it. But remember, if you think the problem is beyond your abilities, take your watch to a professional who will fix it for you. Here are the five most common watch repair issues that every watch owner faces sooner or later.

watch repair in philly

It Has Stopped Ticking

If your watch suddenly stops ticking for no apparent reason, most likely the battery is dead. Yes! It’s as simple as that. In fact, it’s so trivial that some people overlook it.

Generally, the life of a watch battery ranges from two to five years, depending on the type, age, functions, power requirements for each function, storage time with the manufacturer, etc. As a rule of thumb, if your watch stops working two years after purchase, it’s time to replace the battery.

If your watch is still under warranty, it’s best to take it to the seller and ask for an inspection and, if necessary, a battery change. It’s a good idea to take your watch to a watch repair expert, as they will know exactly which battery is compatible with your watch and can easily fix the problem.

If you decide to fix the problem yourself, you should find out how to open the case of your watch. Remember to use plastic watch tools or other non-conductive instruments to avoid permanently damaging your watch.

Remember that you should replace the used battery as soon as possible, as the acid could leak inside the watch and damage it severely.

The Second Hand Is Skipping

One of the most common watch repair issues includes secondhand jumping, going back and forth, or simply stopping.

If you own a quartz watch, this could be a sign of battery loss, and again, you should think of changing the battery. On the other hand, if you own an automatic watch whose function depends solely on the energy and movement of the wearer, you can’t fix the problem by replacing the battery because there is no battery to change. You should wind your watch manually from time to time.

If the watch cannot be repaired by changing the battery, there is probably a serious problem with the movement system, and you should take the watch to an expert to identify and solve the problem.

The Buttons Are Stuck

One of the most common problems watch owners face is that the buttons get stuck and don’t spring back when pressed. This usually happens when dust or dirt has accumulated on the springs of the buttons. A pair of plastic tweezers and a piece of absorbent cloth will be enough to clean them. If this method doesn’t work for your watch, you should hand it over to a professional who will perform this task with an ultrasonic cleaner that will easily and safely clean your watch without damaging it.

Water/Impact Damage

It is possible for your watch to be damaged by external factors, such as moisture getting into it or you forgetting to take it off when swimming (if it is not waterproof). Your watch can also be damaged by impact. You might accidentally drop it on a rough surface, or something heavy might fall on your watch and damage it.

In such cases, it is best to take the watch to a watch repair expert immediately and explain what happened to it. The expert will carefully examine the watch and determine the best and safest method repair your watch.

Watch Magnetization

In the modern world, we’re surrounded by all kinds of magnets and so it’s no wonder if your watch is magnetized. It’s not just the actual magnet that should be kept away from your watch. Things like your laptop, your cell phone, even your microwave or the magnetic clasp on your purse can affect your watch and cause it to become magnetized.

In that case, it loses its accuracy. Sometimes it runs either too fast or too slow. In such cases, you can demagnetize your watch at home with a demagnetizer or if you don’t have one, take your watch to a specialist to do the same for you professionally.



You can take some measures to properly care for your watch, such as servicing it regularly and cleaning it, avoiding contact with magnets and chemicals, or not exposing it to sunlight for too long. However, your watch may eventually stop working and malfunction. In this article, we have mentioned the five most common watch repair issues and suggested some practical methods that can solve the problem.

However, nothing can be as helpful and effective as a professional watch repair service that can combine their extensive academic knowledge with years of experience and find the best method that fits your type of watch and the problem. Our team of watch repair experts is always ready to help you when you need it. Contact TNS Diamonds for the best solutions and service, including a complete watch overhaul, battery replacement, watch and bracelet refurbishment, or an emergency repair for your timepiece.

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